Spetsnaz deployment of EP weapons can be countered by intercepting the weapons or weapons components in transport, by appropriate surveillance of the areas around potential targets, and by the whole range of ... In theory, biological effects can be offset by creating a controlled “electromagnetic environment” around the target, with the effect of “detuning” the target relative to the anticipated signal of the attacking EP weapon – a kind of “immunization.” To realize& ...
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... 8 April 2011 (IRIN) Photo: Wikimedia Commons: The Sahel region: The Great Green Wall project was originally proposed by Burkina Faso`s Marxist leader Thomas Sankara in the 1980s ... Mohamed I Bakarr, a senior environment specialist with GEF, told IRIN the wall “is in reality a metaphor to reflect the vision of African leaders for an integrated land-use system that addresses environment and development needs across all affected countries”. The GEF foresees& ...
Both BC and Saskatchewan have been courting the industry with lax or no environmental regulations and promises of low royalties charged to the companies. The Petroleum Services Association of Canada (PSAC) predicts a& ...
"Photosensitized oxidation of naturally occurring isoprenoid allyl alcohols as a possible pathway for their transformation to thiophenes in sulfur rich depositional environments." Organic Geochemistry 35(6): 693-712. Andersen& ...
Spetsnaz deployment of EP weapons can be countered by intercepting the weapons or weapons components in transport, by appropriate surveillance of the areas around potential targets, and by the whole range of ... In theory, biological effects can be offset by creating a controlled “electromagnetic environment” around the target, with the effect of “detuning” the target relative to the anticipated signal of the attacking EP weapon – a kind of “immunization.” To realize& ...
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